Choose an appropriate backup plan:
One of the most efficient power back up options to install in an apartment is the fixed generator through which your AC loads, and electrical appliances and essential lights can work.
The generator can be picked dependent on the Size of families in the flat. If the loft has 3 rooms, a 5000 watt generator would be an ideal power reinforcement option. Also an apartment can have a diesel generator which is a less expensive choice, as the fuel cost would be less. Getting a generator is quite a pricey task as the cost range of an ideal generator starts from Rs 30,000 depending on the amount of energy it can hold.
The installation of a generator should be carefully done depending on the connection of the main electrical appliances and lighting. One should also think the sort of climate in the region while fixing the generator. In case if the climate is too cold, we must take steps to prevent the pipes from freezing. Cover the appliance with sheets or shutters for hot climate. Ensure that you install a user-friendly machine.
Maintenance of power backup:
Having a generator means high maintenance as the machine needs regular servicing and surplus amount of fuel to run. Installing a generator is not an easy task and a lot of research should be put in before a collective decision for the housing society is made. Residents can contribute with their inputs during meetings.